Saturday, August 13, 2011

Are gas prices going to get even higher by this summer?

Ok they probably will get up to $4.00 a gallon here in the U.S. However, this makes absolutely no sense to me. Exxon has made the most profit in the last 3 months than any other company is history. Which is billions of dollars. So I know they are making us pay way too much for gas. I know there is no shortage and that there is plenty of gas in Alaska that we aren't using and selling to other countries is what I've heard. On top of that there is so much oil in the middle east it's laughable. WHY ARE WE PAYING SO MUCH? I have no idea, but I do know that President Bush has been in the oil business at one time...maybe this has something to do with. I don't know. Is this all politics? No one seems to know why we are payin so much for gas. In Venezeula its .12 a gallon and its like .75 in Kuwait. Obviously they don't have to ship across the ocean, but there is no fkin shortage of gas. I use to think if people would quit driving SUVs and trucks that we could lower prices....well I was wrong.

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